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Missional Communities

Missional Communities

One of the best ways to define a Missional Community is by starting with the definition of The Church. We understand The Church to be God’s family of missionary servants sent as disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus.

A Missional Community, is therefore, a smaller expression of the church where we can practice our God given identity as family, missionary, servants, and disciple makers. The goal of our Missional Communitites is to develop people into disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus in the everyday stuff of life.

As we’ve prayed through the vision for our Missional Communities, we believe there are a few patterns and practices that are essential to living this out as a community, both to those in our groups and those outside:

WORD – Being committed to the Word of God

PRAYER – Being committed to a consistent posture of prayer

DEMONSTRATION – Being committed to meeting needs through the power of the Gospel

DECLARATION – Being committed to consistently speaking of the Good News of Jesus

To see a visual of how Missional Communities affect disciple-making and impact Kingdom movement, check out the MC Roadmap.

For more information or to find a Missional Community to join, visit Connection Point on Sunday, or fill out the Connect to Community Form and we'll help you find one!