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Lifewater Students

Lifewater Students

Like all areas of ministry, our hope at Lifewater Church is that students are a part of the overall body of Christ, and involved in all ways on Sunday, and also, throughout the week. Our desire is to create safe spaces for them to learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus who makes disciples of Jesus.

Our gatherings are built around 3 primary components: What we believe- We believe Jesus is the author and perfector of our faith. Our goal is to lead students in conversations and groups that will reveal who Jesus is and how much he loves them. Who we are- Our beliefs influence our understanding of who we are. Part of our time together is spent helping students realize who they are in Christ, both individually and as a community. How we live- Lastly, our students spend time, eating, laughing, playing, and praying as they live out the everyday rhythms of life. 

If you have a student in 6th - 8th grade, we invite you to check out our Lifewater Middle School group. If you have a student in 9th - 12th grade, we invite you to check out our Lifewater High School group. 

We are honored to partner with our parents to care for your kids during this challenging time of life. We understand your kids are at different stages in their maturity so we want to take this into account when figuring out the best place for those students to connect. If you would like more information or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Andy Durbin at

You can also fill out this Connect to Students form to get connected with our Lifewater Students ministry.