GROW: DNA Groups are groups of 3-4 people that study the word together, pray together, and help each other live out their identity as a disciple of Jesus.
DNA groups are similar to what people think of when they say "small group" or "community group," but the emphasis is responding to the scriptures they are studying, rather than just learning more information. For the sake of camaraderie and commonality, DNA groups are typically gender specific; men meeting with men, and women meeting with women. DNA is an acronym that reminds us of three key components of discipleship:
Discover the truths of the Gospel in Scripture.
Nurture these truths into our hearts, leading to repentance and faith in the Gospel.
Act in faith to obey what Jesus calls us to do and share with others what he is doing in our lives.
We recommend joining a missional community first, as it is a natural progression to meet people you connect with that you might start a DNA group with. For more information about DNA groups, contact your Missional Community Group leader.